Monday 20 June 2016

Which Should We Emphasize On? Vernacular or Modern?

Hello for yet another post, which happens to be my 10th and last post, excluding the short introduction about me. In this post, I will look into whether it is vernacular architecture or modern design architecture that should emphasize more on before I conclude this topic. 
Short recap about my previous blog posts: few impacts of modern design on vernacular Malaysian architecture and how it influence the "old" Malaysia architecture...
So, still with me so far?

Vernacular architecture and modern design architecture are actually interconnected. From the pictures below, you may see houses these days that are either vernacular houses that has modern elements or modern houses with vernacular elements. This proved that vernacular and modern works both ways. 

Wong (2015) Hijauan House, Kuala Lumpur. Usage of timber (vernacular architecture) in modern house.

Hijauan House, Kuala Lumpur. Modern house with traditional elements surrounded by nature.

Hijauan House, Kuala Lumpur. Swimming pool (modern elements) with timber deck.

However, if you were given a choice, which would you emphasize more on? Vernacular or modern? 

Ghafar Ahmad (n.d.) Malay house. Traditional Malay house with modern materials (bricks and paint).
Vernacular architecture have a comfortable environment. With its natural ventilation, occupants will always have a cool environment to live in. Occupants no need to make effort to make the houses cooler. Vernacular architecture have more natural feeling, since it's made of timber. Vernacular houses are more special because of its carving characteristics that represents the uniqueness of different culture. 

On the other hand, modern design architecture have more flexibility in terms of way of allocating the space of the house. It doesn't have to stick with the traditional way whereby a certain space must be in the centre of the house, for example. Modern design houses looks simpler without any ornaments which is more appropriate with the modern era. It also have a new image that represents modern design. An image that is easy to recognize by everyone, that clearly says "modern".

So, both design actually have its own benefits and uniqueness. In my opinion, I think that both design should be emphasize in equal scale. Through this equal combination, tradition will not be engulfed by the modern era and at the same time will be acceptable by the modern generation. 

In conclusion, vernacular Malaysian architecture is very authentic and reflects the roots of Malaysia. The development of Malaysian houses over the years reflects the history of Malaysia and the influence by foreign countries and modern design. Both design plays an important part in the Malaysia architecture, with its own pros and cons. We, as Malaysians should understand and appreciate Malaysia architecture, and try to keep the tradition alive together with the incorporation of modern design.

And finally, thank you to those who have been reading my blog. Thank you so much!!

Image Sources:

Ghafar Ahmad, A. (n.d.) "Malay Vernacular Architecture". [Image] Available at: [Accessed 19 June, 2016]

Wong, K. (2015) "5 Best Modern Malay-Inspired Homes in Malaysia Hijauan House". [Image] Available at: 
[Accessed 19 June, 2016]

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